City or Town

Taylor Lake Village Homes under $500k

Cities & Towns

Taylor Lake Village

Taylor Lake Village, located in the Greater Houston area, currently has 18 homes for sale. The homes vary in size, ranging from 1,194 to 3,776 sq ft, with lot sizes between 2,807 and 25,365 sq ft. The prices of these homes range from $342,000 to $1,265,000. There is also one active homebuilder, MTY Builders, who has 120 homes priced between $349,900 and $515,000. The homes have been on the market for anywhere between 23 to 689 days, with some being built as far back as 1972 and others projected to be completed by 2024.

Total Active Listings


Average List Price


Average Home Size


Average Price per SQFT


Price Range Distribution

Number of homes per price range in Taylor Lake Village

Price Ranges

less than $174k (0)
$174k - $348k (9)
$349k - $523k (20)
$524k - $698k (8)
$699k - $873k (3)
$874k+ (3)

Frequently asked questions