Greater Houston Market Analysis
We take overall market analysis well beyond the bland average/median price stuff you'll usually find, diving into how generic market metrics are distributed throughout various market segments. This approach helps to further understand the whole-market dynamic, and when combined with more focused data like local market research and builder analysis, offers a competitive edge to buyers, sellers, builders, and agents.
Our raw data is sourced from the Houston Association of Realtors (HAR), but you may notice the gross numbers aren't identical— that's because we filter data based on, among other things, our professional opinions of what geographic boundaries define the Greater Houston market (HAR reports include quite some land area.) In these reports, currently, we're only evaulating the market for single-family homes, townhomes, and typical condos. High-rise condos, multifamily, and acreage properties are not included in the reports those property types are a unique and different segement that skews the analysis of the primary property type.
All analysis, rankings, ratings, and throughout this site are generated by us here at Icon Real Estate. All raw data comes from the Houston Association of Realtors (HAR, HRIS) – but you're not viewing raw data. We track, categorize, analyze, and rank everything from zip codes to school zones based on geographic (boundary) data that is either (a) provided by local jurisdictions, (b) purchased from third-party sources, or (c) hand-drawn by our team.
Builder statistics rely heavily on our local knowledge and familiarity with the marketing (listing) practices of major local builders. It's not an exact science, but we're pretty accurate in assigning listings to the correct builder. We leverage a bit of AI in that process as well.
It's all good stuff, and we're pretty confident you'll find it useful. But just FYI - no warranties or guarantees. Let us know if you're looking for something you don't see here.