Houston-area Zip Code

77493 Townhouses for sale

Nearby Zip Codes: 7744777494
Zip Codes


The 77493 zip code in Greater Houston is a bustling area with 30 active homebuilders, including Long Lake, Perry Homes, Westin Homes, DR Horton, and Highland Homes. There are currently 821 homes for sale, with prices ranging from $251,000 to a whopping $3,000,000. The homes vary in size from a cozy 1,222 sq ft to a spacious 7,587 sq ft. The lot sizes also have a wide range, from 3,600 sq ft to a massive 348,480 sq ft. Most homes have 3 to 4 bedrooms and were built between 2021 and 2024. Homes typically stay on the market for 19 to 81 days.

Total Active Listings


Average List Price


Average Home Size


Average Price per SQFT


Price Range Distribution

Number of homes per price range in 77493

Price Ranges

less than $300k (45)
$300k - $436k (388)
$437k - $573k (254)
$574k - $710k (80)
$711k - $847k (36)
$848k+ (44)

Frequently asked questions